


  • 公司: 潍坊金盟船舶装备有限公司
  • 地址: 山东 潍坊
  • 联系: Noda Pan
  • 手机: 15095106531
  • 一键开店
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The dredger we produce is self-propelled or non self-propelled, portable cutter suction dredger, can be with propeller accordingly. The power system can be designed to electric system or diesel engine driving system according to customers’ requirements.The design, construction, quality inspection is according to the standards and regulations of CCS. The steel plates are CCSB plates which meet the requirements of CCS. The welders are skillful and experienced and certified under the regulations of CCS. Anti-corrosion paints material are marine use under the requirements of CCS.1. For dredging depth 20-30m underwater, the company designed the dredger with double dredging pumps, one is on the cutter ladder, the other is in the engine room, and slurry concentration is more than 30%.2. For discharge distance more than 3000m, booster station is designed to connect the dredger for further distance . 3. Trolley is designed for working capacity improved. 4. For special dredger, can be custom made according to capacity, dredging depth and discharge distance.5. Anchor booms can be installed according to requirement.6. Spud carriage and tilt system are available. 7. Dredger position of 5 anchors is designed according to working place.8. Hydraulic driving for spud flat down to pass and transport on water safely.



  • 主营: 绞吸式挖泥船,绞吸式挖沙船
  • 地址: 山东 潍坊
  • 联系: Noda Pan
  • 手机: 15095106531
  • 本站共被浏览过 2187 次

