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企业简介:佳乐滤芯厂集研发、生产、销售、义务咨询为一体的滤芯、滤清器的厂家。始建于上世纪八十年代。由起初的全手工制作陆续发展成12条生产线,月产量上万只。以确保长期用户的需要。佳乐滤芯厂紧邻106国道、京九铁路。得天独厚的地理位置营造了良好的物流条件。空运24小时可打对方机场,缩短了供货时间。2006年又根据市场的需要生产工业用滤芯、过滤器,打破国外品牌被垄断的局面。为企业节省了大量资金。我们期待您的参与。 我厂生产:

一、工业净化系统过滤器。 适用于电力工业、石油工业、化工(含石化)、冶金(钢铁厂和炼焦厂)、电子、、冶炼钢铁厂、电厂、石油、化工、搅拌楼等除尘、净化。 替代唐纳森Donaldson、曼MANN+HUMMEL、贺德克HYDAC、HYCON、派克Parker、西德福、富卓Filtrec、施罗德SCHROEDER、颇尔Pall、玛勒Mahie、National、科索沃Commercial、Norman、PTI/Textron、Filter Mart、Internormen、Kaydon、Purolator、Acrofilter、Western、Rexyoth等过滤器滤芯。

二、 发动机系统用滤芯、滤清器。 产品适用于康明斯、卡特彼勒、帕金斯、阿特拉斯、三菱、沃尔沃、五十铃、斯堪尼亚、实力日产、强鹿、小松、奔驰、寿力、日立、底特律、宝马格、奔驰、雷诺、特雷克斯、山猫BOBCAT、英格索兰VOITELUKESKUS、FENDT、DIGEMA、SCHROEDER、J.C.B(BAMFORD)、VAPORMATIC滤芯等系列。

三、 以进口质量,国产价格为承诺。 视质量为生命,爱客户为亲人为服务宗旨。创滤之缘品牌为生存理念。真诚希望您的参与。 欢迎垂询件号、规格。 性能特点

1. 选用美国、西欧优质木浆纤维材料,其不仅具有孔径小、透气量大、阻力低、效率高等特点,而且过滤面积大。

2. 采用国际先进的折叠新工艺,间隔均匀。

3. 滤筒的端盖和内外户网均采用优质的电化板,不仅强度好,而且有较好的防锈、防腐性能。

4. 低硬度、高强度的闭孔发泡豫胶密封圈与众不同。

5. 粘接剂来自汉高公司,不会产生脱胶和龟裂现象,优质的性能保证了滤筒的长期使用。

Company Profile: Jingxia filter of the edge filter plant research and development, production, marketing, voluntary counseling as one of the filter, filter manufacturers. Was built in the last century eighties. All hand-made from the original one after another into 12 production lines, tens of thousands of monthly production. In order to ensure long-term users. Jingxia filtration plant close to the edge of filter 106 State Road, Beijing-Kowloon Railway. Unique geographical location has created a good logistic conditions. Air 24 hours to play each other airports, shortening delivery time. Also in 2006 according to market needs for industrial use, filter, filters, breaking the monopoly of foreign brands have been. Saves a lot of money for the enterprise.

We look forward to your participation.

My factory production:

An industrial purification system filters. Apply to the electric power industry, petroleum industry, chemical industry (including petrochemical), [[meta]]llurgy (steel mills and coking plants), electronics, tobacco, smelting iron and steel plants, power plants, petroleum, chemical industry, mixing House, dust, clean. Alternative Donaldson MANN + HUMMEL, Bernd HYDAC, HYCON, Parker, Stauff, Filtrec, Schroeder, Pall, Mahie, National, Commercial, PTI / Textron Koydon,Filter-mart,Leemin,Norman,Internomen,Purolatorand other filters.

Second, the engine system with filter, filter. Products for Cummins, Caterpillar, Perkins, Atlas, Mitsubishi, Volvo, Isuzu, Scania, strength, Nissan, John Deere, Komatsu, Mercedes-Benz, Sullair, Hitachi, Detroit, BOMAG, Mercedes, Renault, Terex, Bobcat BOBCAT, VOITELUKESKUS, FENDT, DIGEMA, SCHROEDER, JCB (BAMFORD), VAPORMATIC filter series.

Third, the quality of imports, domestic price of the commitment. Depending on the quality of life, love customer service for the purpose of their loved ones. Chuang filter the concept of geo-brands for survival. Sincerely hope that your participation. Welcome For more information piece number and size.



  • 主营: 廊坊特雷克斯滤芯生产,廊坊卡特彼勒滤芯销售,廊坊山猫滤芯供应
  • 地址: 固安县林城工业园区
  • 联系: 王佳伟
  • 手机: 13722464524
  • 电话: 0316-8010218
  • 本站共被浏览过 8170 次

