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濮阳市瑞森石油树脂有限公司是一家新型的股份制生产企业,始组建于2004年8月,位于国家卫生城、园林城、文明城、旅游城—河南省濮阳市高新技术产业开发 区内,占地40余亩,固定资产投资1500多万元,主要生产经营PRS®精C5系列石油树脂产品,生产能力为年产10000吨精C5系列石油树脂;年产双环戊二烯8000吨;是濮阳市委、市政府重点工程之一。


Puyang Ruisen Petroleum Resins Co., Ltd.established in August 2004, is a new-type joint-stock enterprise located in the High- and New-tech Development Zone in Puyang--the "Naitonal Sanitary City", "Garden City", "Civilized City" and "Excellent Travel City" situated in He'nan Province. With an occupied floor area of more than 40mu and fixed assets of over 15 million RMB yuan, the company is mainly engaged in the business of PRS® C5 series of petroleum resins, with an annual production capability of 10,000 tons, which is one of the key projects of the Puyang Municipal Government.

Presently, the company has more than 200 employees, 20 of them have senior or medium technical titles and over 70% of the employees are college graduates. Boasting a high caliber team of professionals, top-notch technicians, advanced production techniques and complete testing methods, and upholding the tenet of "Quality first, credit foremost", we will provide the customers with high-quality products and satisfying services. And under the operation philosophy of "Human-oriented, scientific management", our company will be sure to develop in a highly efficient way.


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