


  • 公司: 山东亚泰新材料科技有限公司
  • 地址: 山东临沂高新技术产业园金山工业园
  • 联系: 刘纪康
  • 手机: 17753967756
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山东亚泰新材料科技有限公司,是集团在华继卷铝涂装吊顶天花、铝幕墙之后的又一大型投资项目, 项目前期投资2.85亿元人民币,总投资4.82亿元,并与世界五百强的涂料专业制造商形成战略合作,公 司斥巨资引进全自动高速涂装生产线8条,一期建成投产年生产能力4万吨。二期建成投产预计年生产能 力6万吨,可提供彩涂铝卷(单色、仿石材、仿木纹、抗刮、炫色)、金属屋面板(铝镁镐板卷材)、幕墙 系统(铝塑板、铝单板、铝瓦楞板、铝蜂窝板).吊顶天花系统(集成吊顶、工装天花、铝方通、铝条扣、 铝挂片)、金属保温装饰系统(纳米自洁保温一体板、仿石材保温一体板.压花保温一体板)、遮阳卷帘系 统(外遮阳.内遮阳、卷帘门X落水系统等建筑装饰领域适用的彩涂铝卷材供应.

Shndong AT New Mteril nd Technology Co., L. is one of biggest compny in Nor of Chin for color coted luminum coil. We re e lrgest project of our group in Chin, First investment is RMB 285 million, totl investment is RMB 482 million, We coopertes wi e pint mnufcturers of e world's top five hundred. We imported e Germn utomtic high-speed coting production line, e nnul production cpcity of e first period is 40000 tons. The nnul production cpcity of e second phse is expected to 60000 tons, our compny products rnges: color coted luminum coil (single color, mrble grin, nti-Scrtch wooden grin nd mgic color), [[met]]l Roofing (Al-Mg-Mn luminum coil), luminum curtin wll ( Aluminum single bord, luminum corrugted bord, luminum honeycomb bord), Suspended ceiling system (integrted ceiling, project ceiling, luminum strips buckle, luminum hnging sheet), [[[met]]]l het insultion decortive system (nno self-clening , stone grin , embossed ), sunshde rolling curtin system (externl shding, internl shding, rolling shutter door), rin gutter system, nd so on.


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