


  • 公司: 上海密朗空调净化设备有限公司
  • 地址: 上海市闵行区闵虹路城开中心
  • 联系: 邱水明
  • 手机: 13611887992
  • 一键开店
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Shnghi Mirn ws founded in 2010, [hed]qurtered in Shnghi, Chin, nd hs more n 30 mu of mnufcturing plnts in Jingxi, e compny hs R ∓ D tem of more n 20 people, hs more n 50 technicl ptents, It hs won more n 20 honours of Shnghi Innovtion Fund nd oer enterprises, e compny hs served: Novrtis, Johnson, CSPC, NEPC, Est Chin Medicine, Jichun Phrm, Melo, Hulu, Lukng, Kng Longcheng nd oer well-known enterprises t home nd brod.

There re two business subsidiries under [hed]qurters:ShnghiMirnIntelligentTechnologyCo.,L.nd Mirn clenTechnologyCo.,L.. The min business ofShnghiMirnIntelligentTechnologyCo.,L.is: closed milling trnsfer system, robot integrtion,utomtic bucket stripping mchine, intelligent equipment such s utomtic unpcking mchine, verticl blnking device, PTS,weighing nd btching system, AGV system integrtion nd so on re used to relize intelligent production of solid preprtion. Mirn cn provide erly progrm design, technicl scheme optimiztion, mnufcturing nd instlltion fter-sles service process. The min business ofMirn clenTechnologyCo.,L. is: isoltor,dust prticle online monitoring system, clen room control system, weighing units nd oer lminr flow products. In order to meet e requirements of e mster pln of intelligent medicine, ll equipment nd systems re equipped wi dt cquisition function modules, which re connected wi e complete dt of ERP, MES system in e upper lyer of e mnufcturing plnt, us estblishing e foundtion for e reliztion of intelligent production in e fctory.

Mirn lwys dhere to e integrity nd responsibility, innovtion, high qulity, chievement of customer core vlues, dedicted to e mjority of customers to provide more qulity services, we believe t Mirn will be your most fiful prtner to chieve e drem of e enterprise!


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