


  • 公司: 湖北兆元科技有限公司
  • 地址: 湖北 武汉 湖北省武汉市东湖高新技术开发区流芳园南路18号
  • 联系: 王先生
  • 手机: 18372110103
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湖北兆元科技有限公司位于国家自主创新示范区•中国光谷,共计投资4000万元,引进了大型高精密设备,组建了完整的高密电装生产线,目前有高密度SMT电装线9条、THT(dip)插件波峰焊接2条;具备手工焊接、检测、试验等能力的公司。引进了专业管理团队,致力于打造华中地区设备、管理的EMS (环境管理体系)专业加工生产基地。 公司主要业务方向为配合华中地区客户电子装配加工需求,同时面向国内外客户提供电子产品加工服务(贴片、插装、手工焊、测试、三防喷涂、整机装配、老化等),服务方式有来料加工和代料加工等模式。Golden Triangle EMS Technologies. Ltd, located in Wuhan city ,the middle area of China with total investment of 40 million RMB,has brought in many large-scale equipments with high precision and established integrated production lines for electronic products processing.Currently, there are 9 high-density SMT lines and 2 THT plug-in wave soldering lines.GT EMS specialized in SMT, THT and manual welding, aiming to become a SMT processing base with first-class equipment and management under the lead of professional management team. The company mainly serves the domestic customers who are located in central China, and provide One-Stop service for overseas customers on electronic products processing like surface mounting, manual insertion, manual welding, test, conforma coating,box build and aging test, which includes two service modes for now: processing with materials provided by the customers and processing with materials purchased by our own.公司网址:/


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