


  • 公司: 青岛万象橡胶机械有限公司
  • 地址: 山东 青岛 青岛胶州市皮衣城锦州路西首
  • 联系: 袁从阁
  • 手机: 13606305987
  • 电话: 0532-87270998
  • 一键开店
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青岛万象橡胶机械有限公司QINGDAO WANXIANG RUBBER MACHINERY CO.,LTD地址;中国青岛.胶州市兰州西路禧徕乐家居北(皮衣城锦州路西首)ADD;Lanzhou WestRoad.north Of Xilaile(westOfJinzhouRoad),jiaozhou Of Qingdao City,china邮编(P.C);266300电话/传真(TEL/FAX);+86-532-87270998E-mail;@网址;http;//展出产品;炼胶机,密炼机,破胶机,精炼机,立式裁断机,切胶机等图文图片Exhbits;open mill,internal mixer ,Rubber Crusher,Rubber Refiner,Vertical Gabric Bias Cutting Machine,Rubber Cutting Machine Etc Image-Text 公司简介及产品介绍; 青岛万象橡胶机械有限公司始创于1999年,是一家集科研,生产,销售,服务于一体的民营科技型企业。专业生产橡塑机械,主要产品有炼胶机,密炼机,破胶机,精炼机,立式裁断机,切胶机等整厂设备。公司生产橡塑机械已有十几年的技术及经验,拥有一批设计.生产橡塑机械的专业人才。以了解客户.服务客户的经营策略。秉承着成功始于口碑,服务决定未来的经营理念。持续打造高质量橡塑设备,往高水平客户端为未来发展方向。CompanyProfile:Qingdao Wanxiang Rubber Machinery Co.,Ltd.Founded in1999,is a professional enterprise in collection of scientific research,product,sales,service.specialized in the production of rubber and plastic machinery, main products areopen mill,internal mixer ,Rubber Crusher,Rubber Refiner,Vertical Gabric Bias Cutting Machine,Rubber Cutting Machine etc. the whole factory equipment. The company production of rubber and plastic machinery have decades of technology and experience in Taiwan, owned a group of professional talents of design and production rubber and plastic machinery. To understand and service customers for business strategy. Grasp the success begins with reputation and service to decide the future of business philosophy. Continue to make the high-quality rubber and plastic equipment, to high level customer side for the future development direction.


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